E-böcker / Noveller
An International Episode
An International Episode is an 1878 short story by Henry James. Two men visting the US from London meet a pair of charming women who return the visit the following year in London. ...
The Coxon Fund
The Coxon Fund is an 1894 short story by Henry James. This novella explores the relationship between Frank Saltram, a charismatic speaker who is also a freeloader; Ruth Anvoy, a yo ...
The Altar of the Dead
The Altar of the Dead is a short story by Henry James, first published in his collection Terminations in 1895. A fable of literally life and death significance, the story explores ...
The Way It Came
The Way It Came is a short story published in 1896 in London by Henry James. The unnamed female narrator recounts her obsession with the mystical coincidence of two friends who see ...
The Third Person
The Third Person is a short story by Henry James, first published and included in the collection The Soft Side, published in 1900. The Third Person is an amusing spoof on spooking. ...
Sir Edmund Orme
Sir Edmund Orme is a short novel by Henry James, first published and included in the collection The Lesson of the Master, published in 1892. Henry James wrote a number of ghost sto ...
Sir Dominick Ferrand
Sir Dominick Ferrand is a short novel by Henry James, first published in Cosmopolitan Magazine in 1892. It was later included in the collection The Real Thing and Other Tales, publ ...
The Wheel Of Time
The Wheel Of Time is a short story by Henry James, first published two installments in the Cosmopolitan Magazine in 1892 and included in the collection The Private Life, published ...
The Real Thing
The Real Thing is a short story by Henry James, first published in 1892 and the following year as the title story in the collection, The Real Thing and Other Stories. This story, o ...
The Pupil
The Pupil is a short story by Henry James, first published in Longman's Magazine in 1891. It is the emotional story of a precocious young boy growing up in a mendacious and dishono ...
The Papers
The Papers is a novella by Henry James, written in the autumn of 1902, with two other tales, to make up a collection published in the book The better sort in 1903. Today the world ...
The Reverberator
The Reverberator is a short novel by Henry James, first published as a serial in Macmillan's Magazine in 1888 and then as a book later the same year. Described by the leading web ...
Owen Wingrave
Owen Wingrave is a novella by Henry James, first published in The Graphic in 1892. A young man of good family with a long distinguished military tradition indicates that he will no ...
Lord Beaupre
Lord Beaupre is a novella by Henry James, first published in Scribner's Magazine in 1892, as the first of three tales for Macmillan’s magazine. What is a young man to do, when beca ...
A London Life
A London Life is a novella by Henry James, first published in Scribner's Magazine in 1888. A devoted sister attempts to check her sibling's scandalous behavior in the world of Brit ...
The Liar
The Liar is a short story by Henry James, which first appeared in The Century Magazine in May-June 1888, and in book form 1889. It is the story of a young successful painter’s dile ...
The Lesson of the Master
The Lesson of the Master is a novella written by Henry James, originally published in 1888. A promising young writer meets an older man whose works have inspired him, as well as a ...
The Last of the Valerii
The Last of the Valerii is a short story by Henry James first published in 1884. An unnamed American painter resident in Rome serves as narrator in this story, watching as his god- ...
När jag vaknar upp, kidnappad av rymdklädda varelser, är tanken på flykt det som driver mig. Jag måste hem till barnen och Peter. Inget får stoppa mig. Oavsett vad som händer måste ...
Vid sotsängen
Victoria Benedictsson [1850–1888] var en svensk författare och dramatiker. Hon skrev under pseudonymen Ernst Ahlgren. Vid Sotsängen är en novell ur Folkliv och småberättelser från ...
När fru Svensson höll husandakt
Victoria Benedictsson [1850–1888] var en svensk författare och dramatiker. Hon skrev under pseudonymen Ernst Ahlgren. När fru Svensson höll husandakt är en novell ur Efterskörd, en ...
Mor Malenas höna
Victoria Benedictsson [1850–1888] var en svensk författare och dramatiker. Hon skrev under pseudonymen Ernst Ahlgren. Mor Malenas höna är en novell ur Folkliv och småberättelser fr ...
Medan kaffet kokar
Victoria Benedictsson [1850–1888] var en svensk författare och dramatiker. Hon skrev under pseudonymen Ernst Ahlgren. Medan kaffet kokar är en novell ur Folkliv och småberättelser ...
Lösa blad
Victoria Benedictsson [1850–1888] var en svensk författare och dramatiker. Hon skrev under pseudonymen Ernst Ahlgren. Lösa blad är en novell ur Efterskörd, en samling med noveller ...