E-böcker / Romantik
Uskallatko rakastaa minua?
Kun Lilja Laaksonen kohtaa hyväntekeväisyystapahtumassa lukioaikaisen ihastuksensa, hän ei tiedä mitä ajatella. Kasper Kivenlahti on edelleen yhtä komea kuin yhdeksän vuotta sitten ...
Punapukuinen tyttö
Kun Karl on ravintolassa veljensä kanssa, hän tutustuu viehkeään, punapukuiseen neitoon. Vaikka tyttö kertoo, että on tullut paikalle ystävän kanssa, Karlille paljastuu vasta liian ...
Marketan ja Juhanin avioliitto
Harjuntaan rusthollin talon tilanne ei ole tällä hetkellä hääppöinen. Iäkäs Saara-rouva on jäänyt hoitamaan tilaa yksin, sillä juopotteleva mies on kuollut. Kaikki pojat puolestaan ...
Hurmuri ja muita kertomuksia
Kun Norvanto-niminen mies kutsuu talkooporukan korjaamaan mökkiään, paikalle saapuu myös parikymppinen Hurmuri. Hurmuri on tunnettu huonoista hermoistaan – aikanaan Norvanto valmen ...
Anuba, jumalten tytär
Anuba on kuoleman jumala Anubiksen valittu muinaisessa Egyptissä. Hän ei ole kuitenkaan ainoastaan Jumalan valitsema, vaan myös prinssi Urhi-Tessub on iskenyt häneen silmänsä. Anub ...
Året är 1397 och Linnea har förlorat allt. Precis allt! Anklagelserna om häxeri tvingar henne att fly till skogs, trots att få saker skrämmer henne så mycket som skogen. Hon har hö ...
Trondheim år 1892.När Helenes familj står på ruinens brant och hennes far tragiskt dör, blir hon tvungen att ta arbete som tjänsteflicka hos den välbärgade skeppsredarfamiljen Andr ...
Nya gäster på Hedgehog Hollow
Andra delen i den populära serien om Hedgehog Hollow! Efter ett år fullt av motgångar har Samantha äntligen lyckats öppna sitt räddningscenter för igelkottar på den brittiska lands ...
The Queen Pedauque
Jacques Menetrier, the son of a cookshop owner, finds his quiet life turned upside down when the wayward monk, Jerome Coignard, takes him under his tutelage. The pair soon find the ...
‘Oronooko’ tells the story of a fictional African prince, who is duped into slavery and sent to Surinam, a British colony in South America. There, with his beloved Imoinda also ens ...
The Beautifull Cassandra and Other Stories
‘The Beautiful Cassandra and Other Stories’ (1793) was written by the renowned English novelist Jane Austen, best-known for her novels ‘Sense and Sensibility’ (1811) and ‘Pride and ...
Diana of Kara-Kara
America, Australia, and London all feature in this globetrotting tale of love, deception, and psychic abilities. Diana Ford is as headstrong as they come and knows how to shoot a g ...
Bertram Cope's Year
One of the earliest published works to explore the subject of homosexuality, ‘Bertram Cope's Year’ became the first of many books to later touch on homosexuality, such as ‘Brokebac ...
Life Is a Dream
‘Life Is a Dream’ (1635) is a play by Spanish dramatist and poet Pedro Calderón de la Barca. Considered one of the finest Spanish dramas of all time, it explores the mysteries of h ...
She Stoops to Conquer
If enduring popularity is a mark of quality, then 'She Stoops to Conquer' is among the greatest plays ever written; for the 1773 comedy has been performed almost without a break fo ...
Josiah Allen on the Woman Question
‘Josiah Allen on the Woman Question’ (1914) was written by best-selling American writer and humourist Marietta Holley and is a short story featuring her well-known characters, Sama ...
Benigna Machiavelli
A fictional autobiography of an 18-year-old who attempts to overcome hardship by way of her intellect and strong-mindedness, ‘Benigna Machiavelli’ tells the story of her brave batt ...
Cousin Phillis
When 19-year-old Paul Manning moves to the countryside, his cousin Phillis is thrown into turmoil and insecurity as she falls for the charms of Paul’s sophisticated friend. Paul is ...
Sylvia's Lovers
‘Sylvia's Lovers’ is a novel by English novelist and short story writer Elizabeth Gaskell, best-known for her novels ´North and South’, ‘Mary Barton’, and ‘Cranford’.Set in the 179 ...
The Blockade Runners
Combining romance and adventure, ‘The Blockade Runners’ is set in both Scotland and the south of America, as the American Civil War looks to become a reality. Scottish entrepreneur ...
The Commission in Lunacy
Judges receive legal training, but they cannot automatically be given courage and the wisdom of Solomon.That is what is needed when larger-than-life socialite the Marquise d'Espard ...
An Italian and Spanish love triangle with Napoleon's army on the march as the backdrop, 'Juana' is an all-action story about two morally corrupt Italian soldiers in the French army ...
The Old Maid
History lovers will revel in Balzac’s social and political commentary of 19th century France in ‘The Old Maid’. With skilful insight into the human experience, the life of a rich l ...
The War of Women II
‘The War of Women II’ follows the continuing rivalry between Nanon de Lartigues and Viscountess de Cambes, who have both fallen in love with the Baron de Canolles. Unlike many of h ...
The Two Dianas
‘The Two Dianas’ is historical fiction at its most romantic and swashbuckling. Set in 16th century France, ´The Two Dianas´ offers a fictionalised account of the death of the Frenc ...