E-books / Plays

The Taming of the Shrew
We all know what it’s like to be in love, but when love is placed within the context of anxieties, desires and beliefs, will it survive?The sisters Bianca and Katherine might be as ...

Richard II
This is the historical play on King Richard’s life and how he died, tracing his fall from power. As a young man, Richard rises to the throne, although quickly proven to make poor d ...

Measure for Measure
In this brilliant play by William Shakespeare, meet Vincentio, the Duke of Vienna. Setting out for a diplomatic mission, he must leave the city and puts Angelo, the strict judge in ...

All's Well That Ends Well
Helena is an orphaned daughter who has fallen madly in love with the arrogant Bertram. Helena is allowed to go to court and try her hand at curing the King's illness. Although othe ...

En kvinna utan betydenhet
En välbevarad hemlighet, skandalös i sin natur, hotar att köra en kil mellan Mrs Arbuthnot och hennes son Gerald. Det är på en tillställning hos Lady Hunstanton som allting plötsli ...

Kär och galen? Sällan
Kär och galen? Sällan är den andra boken om Linn. Livet med kompisar, skola, olycklig förälskelse, innebandy och alla vuxna kan vara krångligt ibland. Men det kan också vara härlig ...

Touch and Go
Inspired by Lawrence's own experiences with mining, this classic play explores the lives of a group of miners as they navigate struggles with power dynamics, along with the consequ ...

The Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd
DH Lawrence's first play, 'The Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd' follows the unhappy marriage of Mrs. Holroyd to her abusive, alcoholic, adulterous husband. The romantic advances of her ne ...

Hän on Sysmästä
Hän on Sysmästä (1893) on yksinäytöksinen huvinäytelmä, komedia. Päähenkilö on kauppaneuvos Ryynänen, Muita henkilöitä ovat hänen veljenpoikansa ja velallisensa Valter, hänen sisar ...

Beginning in the streets of Venice, Roderigo and Iago are introduced in the heart of an argument.Iago is frantic as he has been disregarded for promotion and plots to take revenge ...

The Winter's Tale
Suspicious King Leontes of Sicily accuses his pregnant wife Hermione of having an affair with his best friend, Polixenes, the King of Bohemia. Enraged at the alleged betrayal, he ...

The Comedy of Errors
A shipwreck 25 years ago separated Egeon from his wife and one of his identical twin sons. Both boys are named Antipholus and both have servants names Dromio, who also happen to be ...

As You Like It
The death of their father leaves Oliver and Orlando at odds. Oliver inherits everything and out of spite forces his younger brother to live in poverty by denying him his inheritanc ...

The Merry Wives of Windsor
Like any true ladies man, Sir John Falstaff, the fat king, attempts to seduce two wealthy women at the same time. To make things easy he decides to send ends Mistress Page and Mist ...

King Lear
Based on the mythological Leir of Britain, the main character of King Lear decides to retire from the throne and hands over the kingdom his daughters.The premonition of the divisio ...

King John
John, King of England's rule is challenged by an ambassador for King Phillip of France.Claiming that Arthur, the nephew of John should be crowned king instead, John declares war ag ...

This historical fiction is set in ancient Britain when it belonged to the Roman Empire. Cymbeline, a Celtic king who has lost both his sons, opposes his only child, princess Imogen ...

Bodil eller Hattasken : två pjäser i en
Bodil är en medelålders skulptris som förlorat förmågan att arbeta. Allt omkring henne är stagnerat - ända tills hon förälskar sig i en ung flicka. Hattasken berättar om en teaterg ...

Twelfth Night
A shipwreck on the shores of Illyria leaves Viola stranded alone in a strange place. Believing that everyone, including her twin brother Sebastian, is dead, she decides to disguise ...

Troilus and Cressida
The young Trojan prince Troilus falls in love with Cressida, daughter of a Trojan priest. With the Trojan War raging around them, the young couple professes their undying love for ...

Titus Andronicus
The great Roman general, Titus Andronicus, returns home after fighting Rome’s enemies for the last 10 years. He brings along his captives, Tamora, Queen of the Goths, her three son ...

A Woman of No Importance
Literature loves a strong, protective mother. Whilst Molly Weasley, Catelyn Stark and Miss Honey might have had their own specific worries, none of these were fighting the prejudic ...

Henry VI, Part 3
The fight for the British throne between the Houses of York and Lancaster continues.Richard, Duke of York, in his quest for the crown, cajoles Henry to disinherit his son Edward, w ...

Henry VI, Part 2
Henry VI is now on the throne but the conflict with France continues.He is unable to control his bickering nobles and his new wife, Margaret of Anjou. And as if these problems were ...

Henry VI, Part 1
After the death of King Henry V, his young son ascends to the throne. As he’s too young to rule, the English nobles rise to the challenge and take charge. Meanwhile, in France, Joa ...