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Cover for The Complete George Cross

The Complete George Cross

The George Cross, the highest civilian decoration, is awarded for ‘acts of the greatest heroism or of the most conspicuous courage in circumstances of extreme danger’, and all the ...

Cover for The Germans in Flanders 1914 – 1915

The Germans in Flanders 1914 – 1915

The book follows in photographs, captions and text the German Army’s presence in Flanders from its arrival in September 1914 until the summer of 1916.It looks at the Kaiser’s Army’ ...

Cover for The Quiet Gunner at War

The Quiet Gunner at War

In 1939 Dick Gorle was already a professional soldier but stationed in India. After the Dunkirk disaster he was recalled and initially involved in training recruits at Plymouth be ...

Cover for The Spartan Way

The Spartan Way

For a period of some 200 years, Sparta was acknowledged throughout the Greek world as the home of the finest soldiers. Xenophon called them 'the only true craftsmen in matters of ...

Cover for US Carrier War

US Carrier War

This book covers all aspects of the operations made by US aircraft carriers, from their introduction into service during WW1 to the continuing conflicts in the Middle East. America ...

Cover for Yorkshire VCs

Yorkshire VCs

Today the Victoria Cross remains the supreme British award for bravery. It takes precedence over all other awards and decorations. During its 160-year history, since the first of t ...

Cover for Surviving Trainer and Transport Aircraft of the World

Surviving Trainer and Transport Aircraft of the World

This final volume in the three-volume set covering more than 300 types of Surviving World War II aircraft includes the less-glamorous ones that couldn't qualify for two volumes on ...

Cover for The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Illustrated and Annotated

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Illustrated and Annotated

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is one of the most important sets of historical documents concerning the history of the British Isles. Without these vital accounts we would have virtuall ...

Cover for Stürmgeschutze


The Sturmgeschütz rumbling forward into action is one of the iconic images of World War II. As mobile assault guns, the StuGs were essentially designed as infantry support weapons, ...

Cover for Handbook on German Military Forces

Handbook on German Military Forces

The Handbook On German Military Forces is an indispensable primary reference source for historians and enthusiasts. In 1945 the Allies were still engaged in bitter fighting against ...

Cover for Medieval Warfare

Medieval Warfare

James Grant (1822–1887) was a Scottish author and was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, and was a distant relation of Sir Walter
Scott. He was a prolific author, writing some 90 books, ...

Cover for The Hundred Years War

The Hundred Years War

Continuing his exploration of the alternative paths that British history might so easily have taken, Timothy Venning turns his attention to the Hundred Years War between England an ...

Cover for Arnhem 1944

Arnhem 1944

This is the first in a series of game books which put you in command of the forces in engaged in some of history's most famous battles. Your tactical skill and ability to make the ...

Cover for Confessions of a Eurosceptic

Confessions of a Eurosceptic

Few are better placed to write on the United Kingdom’s relations with the European Union than David Heathcoat-Amory. As a Member of Parliament, Minister of State and Privy Counsel ...

Cover for Deeds of Heroes

Deeds of Heroes

For over 100 years the Distinguished Conduct Medal – the DCM - was the second highest medal that could be awarded for gallantry to the other ranks of the British army - in some cas ...

Cover for Fight, Dig and Live

Fight, Dig and Live

The Korean War, which began with an unprovoked attack by North Korea in 1950, went on for three long years. Over 100,000 soldiers of the United Nations forces, including those of ...

Cover for Midget Ninja and Tactical Laxatives

Midget Ninja and Tactical Laxatives

Which army used camels disguised as war elephants? Which illustrious warlord was killed by a midget ninja hidden in his latrine? How did live cows dropped by the Soviet air force ...

Cover for Napoleonic Lives

Napoleonic Lives

Two hundred years ago the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars convulsed the whole of Europe. These were key events in the history of the continent, and for Britain, and they are a fa ...

Cover for Northrop Flying Wings

Northrop Flying Wings

Jack Northrop’s flying wings - or to give them their more correct title, all wing aircraft - were some of the most spectacular, graceful and elegant flying machines ever to grace t ...

Cover for Second World War Lives

Second World War Lives

The Second World War was a momentous event in twentieth-century history and it is a fascinating period for family historians to explore. Numerous records are available to researche ...

Cover for Light Dragoons

Light Dragoons

Although only formed in December 1992, The Light Dragoons look back to a history that began in the days of the first Jacobite rebellion. In 1922 a reduction in the Army’s strength ...

Cover for A Guide to War Publications of the First & Second World War

A Guide to War Publications of the First & Second World War

In WW2 information leaflets and posters proliferated. Soldiers were bombarded with Field Regulations, airmen with the latest updates about airborne early warning, bomb sights and r ...

Cover for Boeing 747: A History

Boeing 747: A History

There is perhaps no other commercial airliner as iconic as the Boeing 747. A presence in our skies for over forty years, it has transported hundreds of thousands of passengers acro ...

Cover for The Forts and Fortifications of Europe 1815-1945: The Central States

The Forts and Fortifications of Europe 1815-1945: The Central States

After the Napoleonic Wars the borders of Central Europe were redrawn and relative peace endured across the region, but the volatile politics of the late nineteenth century generate ...

Cover for Soviet Conquest

Soviet Conquest

How did top Red Army commanders see the assault on Berlin in 1945 – what was their experience of the last, terrible battle of the Second World War in Europe? Personal accounts by t ...