E-böcker / Historiska faksimil

Gentle Julia
A light and witty novel, 'Gentle Julia' is filled with characters who you can't help but smile at. With an old-fashioned feel to it, this Booth Tarkington classic follows the escap ...

December Love
Mystery and romance ensue when the conversation between Alick Craven and his mentor Francis Braybrooke one day turns to Lady Adela Sellingworth, and her stolen jewels.A classical t ...

The Face of the World
Is there anything wrong with a man that wants to change the world? What happens when he goes a little too far against the wishes of his family? All Dr. Mark wants to do is help, bu ...

The Prisoner who Sang
What happens to your personality if you don't know who you really are? 'He was possessed by the idea of doing the most startling things in order to astonish his fellowmen. He loved ...

The Emigrants
How strange and terrifying it must be to leave your home and journey to lands unknown to seek a better life. Bojer's novel tells of a group of young Norwegian villagers who decide ...

The Last of the Vikings
Dangerous storms, treacherous waters and friends who sometimes turn out to be enemies. The life of the Norwegian fishermen was never easy. If you love 'The Vikings' series on Netfl ...

The New Temple
Financial ruin, chronic illness and children forced to leave their parents doesn't make for the happiest start to any book. Those are the burdens facing the two siblings, Louise (w ...

The Great Hunger
Norwegian fjords, ships, storms and a large shark that wants to take off your arm ...thank goodness our main character Peer manages to stab it with a knife!Peer is a young lad who, ...

The Power of a Lie
Have you ever told a lie? How about a lie that ruins another man’s reputation? This is the sin that Norby commits and the event that kicks off the storyline in this book. Will he f ...

Jack & Alice
‘When you are more intimately acquainted with my Alice, you will not be surprised, Lucy, to see the dear creature drink a little too much; for such things happen every day. She has ...

Edgar & Emma
'I cannot imagine,' said Sir Godfrey to his Lady, 'why we continue in such deplorable Lodgings as these, in a paltry Market-town, while we have 3 good houses of our own situated in ...

Henry and Eliza
'Being good People themselves, their first & principal care was to incite in her a Love of Virtue & a Hatred of Vice, in which they so well succeeded (Eliza having a natural turn t ...

The Adventures of Mr. Harley and Other Stories
'Mr. Harley was one of many children. Destined by his father for the church and by his mother for the sea, desirous of pleasing both, he prevailed on Sir John to obtain for him a c ...

Do you love humorous and amusing stories? Then you will love this short story written by none other than Jane Austen when she was still a young teenager.'In a retired part of the C ...

Catharine, or The Bower
What do we usually find in Jane Austen's novels? At least one girl with a conflict and a handsome man or two to rush in and save the day. If nothing else, Jane was a romantic throu ...

Teaterstycken är tre teaterpjäser samlade i en bok. Kvinnofejd, Stöld och Ollonodlaren heter pjäserna som skrevs mellan 1910-1916.I originalöversättning av Ernst LundquistJack Lond ...

Hadshi-Murat on taistellut koko elämänsä ajan maanmiestensä tšetšeenien puolella Venäjää vastaan. Kun imaami Shamil ottaa hänen perheensä panttivangeikseen, päättää Murat kääntyä v ...

Kuoleman riemuvoitto
Kun aatelisherra Giorgio kävelee Roomassa rakastajattarensa Ipppolitan kanssa, pariskunta kohtaa jotain kammottavaa. Ihmisiä on kerääntynyt sillan viereen ja kaikki tuijottavat ala ...

Kirjeitä myllyltäni
Kirjailija muuttaa Pariisista aurinkoisen Provencen sydämeen ja ostaa hylättynä olleen myllyn. Hän seuraa katseellaan paikallisia ihmisiä, tuttuja ja tuntemattomia, ja kuvaa heitä ...

Kurtisanernas liv
Lucien har förlorat allt och måste nu hitta ett sätt att bygga upp sitt liv och återbetala gamla skulder. I samma veva träffar han den vackra kurtisanen Esther van Gobseck på en ba ...

Möss och människor (lättläst)
Lennie och George lever på landsbygden i Kalifornien under depressionen. De försörjer sig genom att arbeta på olika gårdar. Vännerna drömmer om att tjäna ihop så mycket pengar att ...

Kolme miestä veneessä
George, Harris ja kertoja ovat ystävyksiä, joilla on käynyt huono tuuri elämässä. Ovathan he kaikki kolme koko ajan sairaina – ainakin omien diagnoosiensa mukaan. Kun kertoja pääsi ...

Pickwick-kerhon jälkeenjääneet paperit 1
Eletään 1800-lukua Englannissa. Samuel Pickwick on iäkäs herrasmies, jolla on turhan paljon aikaa. Mutta mitä ylimääräisellä ajalla voisi oikein tehdä? Kun herra Pickwick päättää l ...

Pickwick-kerhon jälkeenjääneet paperit 2
Pickwick-kerho on vallaton miesten kerho, joka seikkailee ympäri Englantia. Varakas herra Pickwick on antanut kerholle nimensä. Lisäksi mukana ovat runoilija Augustus Snodgrass, ro ...

När var tar sin
Bröderna Sören och Fredrik bor i Stockholm. Endast några år skiljer dem åt, men Fredrik bor fortfarande hemma hos deras faster efter föräldrarnas bortgång. Bröderna delar mycket - ...