E-böcker / Historiska faksimil

That Lass O' Lowrie's
Everybody in The Lancashire village of Riggan is talking about Joan Lowrie, and who could blame them? She’s as beautiful as she is kindhearted and strong willed. For years she’s en ...

The Lost Ambassador
Set between a pre-war London and Paris, this is a thrilling tale of international espionage and intrigue from the popular author E. Phillips Oppenheim. Captain Austen Rotherby is i ...

The Man from Archangel
First published in 1895 ‘The Man from Archangel’ is a collection of short stories by the famous Sherlock Holmes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The collection is split into two sect ...

The Dealings of Captain Sharkey
Published in 1919, ‘The Dealings of Captain Sharkey’ is a collection of pirate and adventure stories by internationally renowned author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Short stories in the ...

My Friend the Murderer
‘My Friend the Murderer’ is a short story by Sherlock Holmes creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Our narrator is a doctor who works at an Australian prison. The doctor is urged to take ...

First published in 1918 ‘Danger! And Other Stories’ is a collection of short stories by Sherlock Homes creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The titular tale was originally published in ...

The White Company
Set during the Hundred Years War, ‘The White Company’ is a historical adventure novel by famous ‘Sherlock Holmes’ author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Young Alleyne has been brought up i ...

The Haunted House
A spooky house full of ghosts, a brother and sister as odd as the house itself, bizarre sounds and goings-on in the dark of the night. Who would want to live here?John and his sist ...

Darrell Standing on yliopiston professori, joka on tuomittu elinkautiseen vankeusrangaistukseen murhasta. Elämä vankilassa on kamalaa. Vanginvartijat kiduttavat Standingia pukemall ...

Förlorade illusioner
Lucien Chardon har äntligen nått det mål han så länge sett framför sig. Han är numera en välkänd och respekterad journalist, bosatt i Paris, med den vackra skådespelerskan Coralie ...

17 år gamla David Balfours föräldrar har gått bort nyligen och han försöker hitta sin plats i världen. En dag får David ett brev som han ska leverera till Shaws hus där hans farbro ...

Vita nätter
En sommarnatt i Sankt Petersburg vandrar en ung poet längs med stadens månupplysta gator. Där har han vandrat många gånger. Men just den här natten är något annorlunda. Vid ett kan ...

Varjoa vailla
Peter Schlemihl myy varjonsa paholaiselle saadakseen rahakukkaron, joka ei koskaan ehdy tyhjilleen. Vaihtokauppa osoittautuu kuitenkin Peterin kannalta huonoksi. Hän alkaa tuntea o ...

Kaksi vankia
Kun toisilleen tuntemattomat Clara ja Josef kohtaavat eräässä teatteriesityksessä, syntyy ainutlaatuinen suhde. Kummallakin heistä on ollut vaikea elämä. Claralla on jo ikää, mutta ...

Den store Gatsby
”Den store Gatsby” är ansedd som en av tidernas mest framstående romaner och skildrar det flådiga livet på Long Island under det glada tjugotalet. Romanen kretsar kring den mystisk ...

De fyra rättvisa männen
Ett hotfullt brev, signerat Fyra Rättvisa Män, landar på utrikesminister Philip Ramons bord. Ministern har inga planer på att låta ett skriftligt hot stoppa honom. Hans hjärtefråga ...

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
In this classic tale from the French novelist Victor Hugo, we follow the adventures of the hunchback Quasimodo, who leads a solitary life in the bell tower of Notre-Dame de Paris. ...

Bartleby the Scrivener, A Story of Wall Street
'Bartleby the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street' is a short story from 1852 by Herman Melville. Bartleby is hired to work as a scrivener alongside two other clerks, Nippers and Tur ...

The Last Man
Mary Shelley was ahead of her time - arguably by 200 years.For when her novel 'The Last Man' was published in 1826 with a plot featuring a deadly global pandemic, the public was no ...

Father Goriot
An overprotective father. A cunning criminal. A young student navigating the world of high society and love. In Paris, 1819, three stranger’s fates are intertwined in a tale of cor ...

The Strange Lapses of Larry Loman
A psychological thriller, woven with fantastic characters and delicious plot twists that will leave you spinning. ‘The Strange Lapses of Larry Loman’ tells the story of Scotland Ya ...

The Man Who Bought London
‘The Man Who Bought London’ follows the American King Kerry, an absurdly rich real estate tycoon who spends his time buying up swathes of London real estate to redevelop for the be ...

The Daughters of the Night
‘The Daughters of the Night’ follows Jim Bartholomew, an unconventional bank manager as his life is turned upside down. Thrust in to a chaotic situation with an ensemble of brillia ...

The Book of All Power
‘The Book of All Power’ takes place in the years before the First World War and until many years after the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. Malcom Hay, an engineer for a Ukrainian-E ...

The Blue Hand
A classic thriller novel ‘The Blue Hand’ is built on intrigue, mystery and the strength of its cast. Packed full with the mysterious, the supernatural and the threat of an unrelent ...