E-böcker / Historiska faksimil
Manasse Jäppinen
Manasse Jäppinen on noin seitsemänvuotias pieni pojankoltiainen, jonka tämän äiti päättää lähettää koulutielle – toiveena on, että pojasta kuoriutuisi oikea lukumies. Manasse ei ku ...
Pojat asialla
Kun äiti lähettää kahdeksanvuotiaan Otto-pojan hakemaan aamulla kaupasta siirappia, hän kieltää Ottoa härnäämästä naapurin suurta sonnia. Otto lähtee matkaan astia mukanaan ja törm ...
Jussi Puranen
Jussi Puranen on mies, jossa näkyy esi-isien metsäläiset juuret. Tätä miestähän ei määräillä! Vahinko vain, että Purasen mielestä kaikilla on asiat aina paremmin kuin hänen itsellä ...
Eräällä oppineella miehellä on salaperäinen naapuri, jota kukaan ei tunne. Yhtenä iltana mies pohtii, voisiko hänen varjonsa käydä naapurissa ja kertoa hänelle, mitä naapurista löy ...
Ihmismetsästäjän salaisuus
Kuninkaallinen ratsupoliisi Derwent Conniston on jo vuosien ajan jahdannut murhasta syytettyä Johnny Keithiä. Kun Conniston vihdoin tavoittaa Keithin, tapahtuu jotakin yllättävää. ...
Iloiset Windsorin rouvat
Useissa Shakespearen näytelmissä esiintynyt hahmo sir John Falstaff on tämänkin tarinan keskiössä. Falstaff juonittelee saadakseen rouvien Paaso ja Virta aviomiesten rahat. Tästä s ...
The Racers
One day, a competition was organised: the fastest would be awarded first price. The jury gave first prize to the hare and second prize was awarded to the snail. Long debates follow ...
The Bottle Neck
In the tallest and poorest house in a very narrow winding street, was an attic with a single window. Behind this window, was a bird in a cage; the state of the house and the cage w ...
The Bell Deep
All the local children knew the river Odense and they all knew about the bell that could be found there. A long time ago, the bell, being tired, had fallen from its beam and had la ...
Ib and Little Christine
In Gudenau, in the forest of Silkeborg, lived a farmer, Jeppe Jans, and his son, Ib. In winter, when there was nothing to do in the fields, Jeppe Jans made clogs and Ib tried to do ...
The Thorny Road of Honor
The men of our world who experience glory do not generally attain it easily. There have been several martyrs who, before knowing honour, have had to follow a very thorny path...Han ...
In the Uttermost Parts of the Sea
An expedition was taking place to the other side of the sea: many boats had been sent to the North Pole to explore the sea and the ice. It was winter and over there the days ran in ...
The Last Pearl
Everyone was happy: an heir had been born and mother and son were doing well! Almost all the fairies came to offer a gift to the newborn, there was just one missing who should have ...
Five Peas from a Pod
There were five peas in a pod: they held their line and waited for the moment to leave. For them, everything was green: they were green and their world, which was limited to their ...
She Was Good for Nothing
While the town judge was at his window, the son of the washerwoman passed before him. The judge said him unkind words to him about his mother. She drank to keep warm during the lon ...
Under the Willow Tree
Johanne and Knud lived close to the town of Kjöge, where there are many gardens that extend as far as the river. There is not much else, but it is charming in summer! It was under ...
There is a Difference
It was the month of May and spring had arrived, although it was still cold. The flowers were blooming, but not all flowers receive the same praise. Some would say that there a diff ...
A Picture from the Ramparts
In this short tale, Hans Christian Andersen depicts a castle’s ramparts on an autumn day. A bird flies through the prison cell window and softens the heart of the miserable prisone ...
The Jumpers
A flea, a grasshopper and a jumping goose entered a competition to see who could jump the highest. Who would win? That is a question that would turn out to be more complicated than ...
The Castle of the Carpathians
No matter if Bram Stoker has really been inspired by Verne or not, the similarities between Stokers’s "Dracula" and Verne’s "Carpathian Castle" are apparent. Jules Verne’s horror n ...
Kuinka äkäpussi kesytetään
Temperamenttinen Katherine ei ole poikamiesten suosiossa hankalan luonteensa vuoksi. Hänelle olisi kuitenkin löydettävä aviomies – pikkusisko Bianca ei saa jatkaa riiaamista nuoren ...
Isä ja poika
Ville Massinen on 57-vuotias mies, joka jäi leskeksi poikansa Habakukin ollessa vain kuusi kuukautta vanha. Nyt Habakuk on seitsemänvuotias – ja Massinen pahasti poikansa tossun al ...
Mestari Nyke
Nyke ei ole ihan tavallinen nelivuotias poika – hän on viisasteluun taipuvainen pikku-filosofi! Nyke käyttää kuolleen isänsä suurta lierihattua, ja hänellä on mielipide asiaan jos ...
Tytöt talosilla
Kevät on vaihtumassa kesäksi. Seitsemänvuotiailla Ruusulla, Lillillä ja Siviällä on tylsää. Lilli saa kuitenkin lyömättömän idean: hehän voivat ryhtyä leikkimään kotia tässä pihall ...
Castle Dangerous
"Castle Dangerous" is the last of Walter Scott’s "Waverley" cycle of historical novels. The story takes place shortly after the death of William Wallace in the Scottish War of Inde ...