Ljudböcker / 6-9 år
The Happy Family
Next to a long-abandoned castle, grows a jungle of burdock. Under the great green leaves live two old snails, descended from a long lineage, whose ancestors were served on silver p ...
The Old Street Lamp
An old street lamp is at the end of its working life. It has had a long life and lots of people know it. So, friends come to visit on its last night on the job.Hans Christian Ander ...
The Old House
There was once an old house that was so dilapidated that it made the other houses in the street ashamed. But, the little boy who lived opposite liked it a lot and loved looking at ...
The Shirt Collar
This is the story of a false shirt collar, who, when he was of marriageable age, met a shy garter in the washing. So, he set out on a quest to seduce her, which was not without its ...
The World's Fairest Rose
There was once a queen who possessed a magnificent garden, filled with many varied flowers. One day, she fell ill and her doctors had little hope of a recovery. Only one of them sa ...
The Goblin and the Grocer
A goblin lived with a grocer whom he liked a lot because, at Christmas, the grocer never forgot to give him his porridge with a big knob of butter. Under the eaves of the grocer’s ...
The Old Oak Tree's Last Dream
On the top of a cliff overlooking the sea was an oak tree that was 365 years old. It was an unimaginable age for the mayflies, tiny creatures who lived only one day. The oak only s ...
The Snail and the Rosebush
In the middle of a garden, beyond which stretched endless meadows, was a rose bush. Under the rose bush lived a snail who enjoyed talking to the rose bush. They asked themselves wh ...
Twelve by the Mail
The bells has just sounded the twelve strikes of midnight announcing the start of a new year, when a mail coach stopped at the entrance to the town. On board, were twelve party-goe ...
The Silver Shilling
Once upon a time there was an honest piece of silver who passed from hand to hand and happily discovered his country. One day, his current owner travelled abroad, taking the piece ...
What the Old Man Does is Always Right
A peasant and his wife owned a horse that grazed in a ditch close to their house. But they thought that it would be better for them to sell it or exchange it for something more use ...
The Old Church Bell
In a little house in Marbach, on the banks of the Necker river, lived a poor family. The day that their son was born, the church’s bell was rung to celebrate the newborn’s arrival. ...
The Little Green Ones
A short time ago, the rose bush next to the window was still magnificent, but since the invasion of an army of greenies, it is rather worse for wear. We men, we are not very fond o ...
The Flying Trunk
On the death of his father, who was a rich merchant, the son inherited a vast fortune, which he quickly spent. He found himself alone with nothing except the dressing gown on his b ...
The Storks
"One of you will be hanged, the second imprisoned, the third burned and the fourth turned upside down." This is how the children mocked the family of storks that lived on the roof. ...
The Metal Pig
In the city of Florence is a bronze statue of a boar, from who’s mouth runs the water that is collected by the people of Florence. One evening, a poor boy came to drink and found a ...
The Shepherdess and the Chimney-Sweep
Once upon a time, a china shepherdess and a chimney sweep who were placed close to each other decided to marry. However, another doll, who said he was the shepherdess’s grandfather ...
The Wild Swans
"Far from here, in the land the swallows flee to in winter, lived a king who had eleven sons and one daughter, Elisa." So begins the story of Elisa and her brothers. At the beginni ...
Majaa rakentavat kaverukset Pate ja Nupa löytävät metsästä laitteen, joka mullistaa heidän maailmansa. Pojat kehittelevät koneesta uskomattoman kulkupelin, jonka he nimeävät digiek ...
Luru Kiljunen ja hänen hömppänsä
Lapset kasvavat aikuisiksi, ja näin on käynyt myös Kiljusen herrasväen perheessä. Mökö on päätynyt kihloihin serkkunsa Tarapaapan kanssa. Sormukset on hankittu, kirkko on varattu j ...
Kiljusten vallankumous
Helsingissä järjestetään merkittävä urheilujuhla. Kiljusen perheessä ollaan suuria urheilun ystäviä, ja niinpä koko konkkaronkka päättää lähteä vierailulle Helsinkiin. Perhe ei kui ...
Kiljuset palaavat
Kiljuset ovat päätyneet vallankumouksen seurauksena Amerikkaan, ja nyt heidän on aika palata kotimaahansa Suomeen. Hallitus on kauhuissaan – ja syystäkin. Hallitus järjestää erilai ...
Tomtefar och trolltrumman
Det är något märkligt på gång i tomtebyn. Vem är det som lägger peppar i pepparkakorna? Vem kan ha släckt norrskenet på himlen? Och hur kan det komma sig att tomtefars dator får et ...
Progressiv muskelavslappning för barn. Alternativ bakgrundsmusik
Progressiv muskelavslappning för barn är en enkel avslappningsövning som går ut på att först spänna och sedan slappna av i olika muskelgrupper. Övningen är utarbetad tillsammans me ...