Din sökning Ann Radcliffe gav inklusive filtrering 72 träffar

The Italian
The Italian, or the Confessional of the Black Penitents (1797) is a Gothic novel written by the English author Ann Radcliffe. It is the last book Radcliffe published during her lif ...

The Mysteries of Udolpho
The Mysteries of Udolpho, by Ann Radcliffe, was published in 1794. Her fourth and most popular novel, The Mysteries of Udolpho follows the fortunes of Emily St. Aubert who suffers, ...

A Sicilian Romance
A Sicilian Romance is a gothic novel by Ann Radcliffe. It was her second published work, and was first published anonymously in 1790. The plot concerns the fallen nobility of the h ...

The Romance of the Forest
The La Motta family are on the run. Forced to flee Paris after a scandal, they need a place to hide. They settle for an abandoned abbey, where they’re joined by another person with ...

A Sicilian Romance
Nothing boosts evocative narrative as well as narrow escapes. And Ann Radcliffe mastered it. In this early gothic horror novel, Radcliffe tells the story of the Mazzini household’s ...

The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne
The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne - A Highland Story is a gothic novel by Ann Radcliffe first published in 1789. The novel is a set in a powerful landscape which became familiar i ...

The Romance of the Forest
The Romance of the Forest is a Gothic novel by Ann Radcliffe that was first published in 1791. It combines an air of mystery and suspense with an examination of the tension between ...

The Italian
Ever wondered how the quintessential bully acted during the Holy Inquisition? Look no further.In her unnerving gothic novel "The Italian" (1797), Ann Radcliffe explores individuali ...

The Mysteries of Udolpho
Gloomy castles. Villainous Counts. Swordfights galore. If you’re looking for the ultimate Gothic novel, "The Mysteries of Udolpho" takes some beating. Set in the 1500s, it follows ...

The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne
Is there any better fuel for a novel than wronged characters and wicked revenge?From the midst of the cult of sensibility, Ann Radcliffe rose with her very own poignant style to wr ...

A Sicilian Romance
A Sicilian Romance is a gothic novel by Ann Radcliffe. It was her second published work, and was first published anonymously in 1790. The plot concerns the fallen nobility of the h ...

The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne
The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne - A Highland Story is a gothic novel by Ann Radcliffe. The novel is a set in a powerful landscape which became familiar in her later work, with ...

En siciliansk romans
I En siciliansk romans (1790) skapade Radcliffe den unika blandningen av skräckens psykologi och poetiska skildringar som skulle göra henne till en av de stora inom den gotiska skr ...

Oskrivna regler
Hon satte upp spelreglerna, men räknade inte med att han skulle vinnaKasinomogulen Alexa Lawson har ett litet problem, och lösningen ser hon i sin bästis Carter Hayes. Hon dikterar ...

The Castle of Otranto
The Castle of Otranto is a 1764 novel by Horace Walpole. It is generally regarded as the first gothic novel, initiating a literary genre which would become extremely popular in the ...

The Castle of Otranto
The Castle of Otranto is a 1764 novel by Horace Walpole. It is generally regarded as the first gothic novel, initiating a literary genre which would become extremely popular in the ...

A Lady of Quality
Clorinda’s mother dies giving birth to her, and she grows up mostly raised by servants. Her absentee father eventually takes a shine to her at a young age, and she becomes a spoile ...

His Grace of Osmonde
Lord Osmonde has everything he could possibly want. He is wealthy, gracious, kind and handsome. The only thing missing is a wife.But one day he sets his eyes on the unruly and tomb ...

Tales and Stories
From the acclaimed author of Frankenstein, Mary Shelley, ‘Tales and Stories’ is a collection of short stories that bring romance and gothic horror together. This collection of tale ...

Katrin Öberg bor i Ekö tillsammans med sin familj. Hennes föräldrar jobbar på flygfältet båda två. Det gör nästan alla i Ekö. En dag ska Katrins skolklass ha gymnastik i kommunhuse ...

Det lyser i Kristoffers ögon. Det är inte bara hans namnsdag, vilket betyder varm choklad med vispgrädde, han har också gjort ett alldeles fantastiskt fynd. På väg till skolan, i e ...

Mats och hans familj tillbringar sommarlovet på en liten ö i skärgården. Där träffar Mats en pojke som heter Heinz och bor i en grotta. Heinz är 22 år gammal men slutade växa när h ...

Den blå knappen
Lotta känner sig riktigt vuxen. Ända sedan hon var pytteliten har hon fått sova i sina bröders gamla sängar. Men nu har hon fått en alldeles ny! På sängens gavel finns fina blommor ...

Läsa tankar
I Läsa tankar följer Tatjana Brandt fyra legendariska författarskap med en intelligens och en uppmärksamhet av ett sällsynt slag. Fantastiska historier om George Eliots (pseudonym ...