E-böcker / Romaner
The Marquis de Fumerol
Marquis de Fumerol's death brings with it a serious political scandal. The black sheep of a royalist family - he cannot die without official last rites from the Church. As the rest ...
The Love of Long Ago
An elderly, aristocratic woman lives lavishly in a mansion with her beloved granddaughter. One morning her granddaughter reads her an article from the morning paper about several c ...
The Magic Couch
Our narrator sits and relishes the natural beauty of a river, contemplating how painful suicide must be. He dreams of a world in which a special device allows people to end their d ...
The Mask
Everything is going wonderfully at the Montmartre costume ball - the music, the atmosphere, and the food are all perfect. Until one of the lead dancers jumps into the crowd and pas ...
The Log
Our young narrator sits comfortably in front of a crackling fire, accompanied by an elderly woman. Their peace is shattered when a rebellious log leaps out of the fire and rolls to ...
The Little Cask
A successful businessman who wouldn't dream of accepting 'no' as an answer, Jules Chicot has his heart set on buying his neighbour's farm. He will stop at nothing. This short story ...
The Legion of Honor
The rich but rather dull Maitre Caillard has always been besotted with the famous 'Leigon of Honor'. It would kill him to walk the streets of Paris and see others displaying it pro ...
Corruption, conspiracies and the cynicism of true Machiavellian villains... Move over Frank Underwood there is a new bunch of power-hungry sociopaths in town. Just three weeks befo ...
Up in the Clouds
Celebrations. Transport. Science lessons. Today, balloons are a casual part of everyday life, noticed but not really considered. Can you imagine a world in which balloons are the n ...
Ungava Bob
Equal parts illuminating and terrifying, 'Ungava Bob' is based on the real-life story of the first fur trading post in Ungava Bay. The novel follows a group of European explorers i ...
Twice Bought
Tom Brixton and Fred Westly have always been best friends. Before they left England to dig gold in Oregon, Fred promised Tom's mother that he would do his best to keep her rowdy so ...
The Young Fur Traders
The Red River Settlement is home to many Indians, French-Canadians, and Scotsmen. Charlie Kennedy lives at Red River with his ex fur-trader father. In an attempt to convince Charli ...
The Wild Man of the West
March Manson spends his days hunting buffalo, travelling, and learning about the wild west. He sets on on a journey with his best friend Bob Bounce to explore the rocky mountains. ...
The Walrus Hunters
When Cheenbuk met an Indian, all that prevented a fight between the two of them was Cheenbuk's limited knowledge of the Indian language. However, when their respective tribes got w ...
The Rover of the Andes
The 'Rover of the Andes' follows a group of travelers as they navigate their way across the wilds of Argentina and Peru. With each surprise, acquaintance, and lesson that their adv ...
The Pirate City
A merchant and his two sons leave Sicily on a voyage, but they are soon interrupted by a pirate from Algiers. When he takes them captive, they must fight not only for their own sur ...
The Lighthouse
'The Lighthouse' is a gripping tale of the relationship between man and sea. Ballantyne spent three weeks holed up on Bell Rock researching and experiencing the life of a lighthous ...
Pojken med smörkniven
Adrian känner hur han lite i taget tappar kontrollen över sitt unga liv. Vardagen är fylld av försök att fly verkligheten med droger, våld och sex. Det kulminerar i ett möte som nä ...
Halva Malmö består av killar som dumpat mig
Fyra av tio vuxna i Sverige lever i singelhushåll. Det borde finnas nästan tre miljoner singlar i vårt avlånga land, och ett enormt antal potentiella partners för den som längtar e ...
En klargul, låst container. En morgon står den i Norrtäljes hamn. Ingen vet hur den har kommit dit eller vad den innehåller. När låset slutligen sågas upp är det något som rinner u ...
Livet som blev mitt
"Jag kommer inte överleva, hinner jag tänka innan jag ser att han inte är färdig utan går med bestämda steg mot mig. Hans blick är svart. Det är som om han inte ser mig eller vet v ...
Kärleksbrevet är en spännande roman om en kunglig skandal och oförlåtliga svek av författaren till serien om de sju systrarna.När sir James, en av sin generations främsta skådespel ...
När körsbärsträden blöder
Det är en oktoberdag när katastrofen slår till. Ingen förstår riktigt vad som hänt. Att han avlidit av ett hagelskott mitt i bålen från några meters avstånd kan rättsläkaren konsta ...
Sakernas tillstånd
Till det yttre lever hon ett ganska vanligt liv, med man och barn i en norsk stad. Men när som helst kan hennes mamma ringa, vanligtvis mitt i natten, för att berätta om alla som ä ...
Flickan med blått hår
En utvecklingsroman i miniformat. Med referenser till Franz Kafka och Alice i underlandet och lite chick-lit känning som en nödvändig marmorering av det filosofiska innehållet.Anto ...