Ljudböcker / E-single

Med en doft av kardemumma
Med en doft av kardemumma, e-novell: Några äldre damer som inte pratats vid ordentligt sedan skoltiden kommer överens om att träffas hemma hos en av dem. Men hur går det när de nu ...

Stegen i trappan, kriminalnovell
Stegen i trappan: Kan ett spöke eller en vålnad mörda? Gå genom en låst dörr med halva fotavtrycket utanför? Den frågan måste brottsutredarna ta ställning till när de börjar unders ...

The Elixir of Life
The Elixir of Life is a short story by Honoré de Balzac, first published 1830, about eternal life. However, this is an eternal life story with a horrific twist. The Elixir of Life ...

Ariadne is a short story by Anton Chekhov first published in English in 1916 as part of the collection The Darling and Other Stories. The story begins on a steamer bound for Sebast ...

The Safety Match
The Safety Match is a short story by Anton Chekhov first published in English in 1922 as part of the collection The Cook’s Wedding and Other Stories. The Safety Match is a true loc ...

The Lady with the Dog
The Lady with the Dog is a novella by Anton Chekhov first published in 1899. Written while in Yalta, it is considered one of his most famous stories, (also called Lady with Lapdog) ...

Kashtanka is a short story by Anton Chekhov, first published in English 1922, as part of the collection The Cook's Wedding and Other Stories. Kashtanka, a shaggy-dog story penned b ...

Klockan var tre på eftermiddagen den 16 april 1996 när den 21-årige Richard Allen Montgomery fattade sitt livs sämsta beslut. Människor som kände honom skulle senare vittn ...